Disable IDM Updates > Fix Fake Serial Number Notification 2025
Know how you can turn off Internet Download Manager (IDM) auto updates and deal with IDM Fake Serial Number issue.
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🙋Hello IDMLover, today in this post you are going to learn How to Disable IDM (Internet Download Manager) auto-updates to solve IDM fake serial number notification. So, Let's jump into this step-by-step guide...
Turning off IDM updates is one of the ways to get rid of IDM Fake Serial Number Popup.
Ture off IDM Automatic Updates
There are two ways/methods to do that.
Using Regedit to disable IDM updates
The first way to turn off IDM updates in Windows 10/8/7, we use the
Registry editor. How? Follow these steps...
- Press Win + R and type regedit in the Run tab
- After the registry editor opens, select HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > DownloadManager
- Now find LstCheck or LastCheck file and open it
- Then replace the Value Data with a bigger number and save the changes by clicking on OK
- Once restart your Windows PC and Done!
Rename IDM Files to Disable IDM Updates
The second method to turn off or block IDM auto-updates is by renaming the IDM
files. This method is hard to apply.😜
- Make sure you have closed IDM on your laptop. ( From Taskbar and system tray)
- After that open the IDM installation folder. Usually located in the C:> Program Files> Internet Download Manager folder.
- Then find and rename the IDMGrHlp.exe file to idmhelp-old.exe.
- After that restart our laptop.
- Then re-open the Internet Download Manager installation folder.
- Then find and select the file named idmBroker.exe then rename it to IDMGrHlp.exe.
- Then restart our laptop again.
- That's the way IDM will change to the full version and fake serial number messages will no longer appear.
You can follow the same steps to turn off IDM automatic updates in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.
Final Words
IDMLover hopes that you find this post helpful and useful.
If you have any query related to How to Block IDM Auto Updates then send us
via Comment.
🙏Thanks for visiting IDMLover. Please 💓 Bookmark 💓 us to Download the
latest IDM Full Version and to get problem-solving posts.
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If you want to prevent IDM for showing the fake serial number pop-up then go with the IDM Crack and follow the steps.
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