▷ 4 Working Ways to Increase IDM Downloading Speed

Follow these ways to get higher downloading speed in IDM(Internet Download Manager).

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Though IDM/Internet Download Manager gives us faster downloading speed than any normal web browsers in windows PC.

But still, you can increase the Downloading Speed of IDM with the ways I mansion in this interesting post.

So, let's start IDMLover

Note: The uploading and the downloading speed is almost dependent on your network plan. However, you can try these methods to increase the downloading speed of IDM (Internet Download Manager).

How to Speed Up Downloads in IDM

There is not only one, but these 3+ ways are staying able to speed up downloads on IDM.

Speed Limit

Speed limiter is one of the features provided by IDM/Internet Download Manager. After activating this feature, you will see a faster download speed in IDM.

To enable it follow these steps
  • Open IDM and then Downloads>Speed Limiter>Settings...
  • In the new tab, enter 9999 in the "Maximum download speed for one file" column
  • Also Tick mark on "Always turn on Speed Limiter on IDM startup" and click "Ok"
  • Done
Now see the difference in your downloading speed on IDM.

Connection Setting of IDM

In this method, you are going to set up IDM Connection Settings according to your internet connection (3G/4G/5G)

However, the speed of downloading of your internet download manager is based on your internet plan type.

But, I suggest you to correct these settings if you want to increase your downloading speed of IDM.

Here the steps to set up these settings of IDM.
  • Open IDM (Internet Download Manager) on your Windows PC
  • Click on "Option" icon in IDM
  • Now in the new window select "Connection" tab and change "Connection Type/Speed" option to "High speed: Direct connection (Ethernet/Cable) /Wi-Fi /Mobile 4G /other"
  • After that select 32 in  "Max. connections number" and save these settings of your connection on IDM downloader manager.
  • All steps are done.
Note: If your internet downloading speed is not more then 1MBps than you can replace "32" with "16"(recommended)

Also Read:

Use a Proxy

If you have a premium proxy (Speed-Tested) then I don't recommend you to use a free proxy on IDM.

In this method, you learn How to increase IDM downloading speed using a Proxy.
  • Open Internet Download Manager on your PC
  • Click on the "Option" icon in IDM
  • In this new window select the "Proxy/Socks" tab and select the "Manual proxy/socks configuration" box, Enter the details of your proxy and hit "Ok" button
Each step is Done by the Proxy method.

IDM Optimizer

Here we are going to use third-party software to increase the downloading speed of IDM called "IDM Optimizer"

Download IDM Optimizer
Exe IDM Optimizer Download

After Downloading open the application to optimize Internet Download Manager (IDM). Select the option you want to apply on IDM installed in your Windows PC.

Final Words

Those are all the methods/ways to increase IDM downloading speed. I hope after applying some of these methods your IDM speed will increase. If you have any questions related to "How to Increase Downloading Speed of IDM" then please type in the comment section.

And also share what going in your mind after reading this post. (Give your feedback via Comments🙏)

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